A Baldwin Wallace University Great Lakes Poll was conducted among 1,031 self-identified registered voters in Ohio between 1/8/20 and 1/20/20.
The poll shows Trump underwater, trailing a generic Democrat by five points, 44.3 percent to 39.4 percent. 16.3 percent of respondents in Ohio were undecided.
44 percent of Ohio voters say they are “almost certain” to vote against Donald Trump. no matter whom the Democrats nominate while 34 percent say the opposite, that they’ll almost certainly vote for the president.
45 percent of women and 42 percent of men surveyed say they plan to support the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is.
Trump’s support among women is about 6 points lower than his support among men. 40 percent of men support the Republican president while only 34 percent of women support him.
12 percent of Ohio respondents said they may vote for or against Donald Trump depending upon who becomes the Democratic nominee.