IO Communications Director Dale Butland will appear on two Columbus-area public affairs television shows this Sunday.
At 10 a.m. Dale will talk fiscal cliff with host Colleen Marshall and Republican Terry Casey on NBC4’s The Spectrum.
At 11 a.m. Dale will join WBNS 10TV hosts Tracy Townsend and Jim Heath on Capitol Square. Opposite Bob Clegg, Dale will take up the progressive cause on the Two Sides segment.
Beginning on Sunday, IO Communications Director Dale Butland will be busy on the air for progressives and IO in the Columbus media market:
Sunday, November 4, 11 a.m. – Capital Square, WBNS 10-TV
Dale will appear opposite Republican strategist Terry Casey on the Two Sides segment, where each side gets 15 seconds to respond to host questions on Ohio and national politics.
Tuesday, November 6, Election Night
7 – 9:15 p.m. – WCMH NBC4, Columbus, election results analysis.
10 – 11 p.m. – WTTE Fox 28, Columbus, election results analysis opposite Republican strategist Mark Weaver.
11 p.m. – ? WSYX ABC 6, Columbus, election results analysis opposite Weaver.
Perusers of political punditry won’t be able to escape Innovation Ohio this weekend in the Columbus market:
IO President Janetta King will join the pane on Columbus on the Record, 8:30 p.m. Friday, 11 a.m. Sunday, WOSU-TV.
Dale Butland, IO’s communications director, will talk politics with Bob Clegg on The Spectrum, 10 a.m. Sunday, NBC4, Columbus.
Butland will also appear vs. Terry Casey on 10TV’s Capitol Square, 11 a.m. Sunday.