This week, lawmakers will hear from supporters of the House version of the Ohio Fairness Act (HB369). The bill would prohibit discrimination in housing and employment on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Hundreds of Ohioans are expected to submit in-person or written testimony on Tuesday in which they will lawmakers to end Ohio’s system of legal discrimination once and for all.
Take one minute to use our advocacy tools to send a letter to your lawmakers in support of the Ohio Fairness Act.
House committees will also hear from sponsors of two new pro-gun proposals this week. House Bill 425, which eliminates the duty to inform law enforcement officials of the presence of a concealed weapon and House Bill 178, which would effectively allow concealed weapons anywhere without a permit will receive sponsor testimony.
New Legislation
Below is one bill that was introduced last week that we’ll be keeping an eye on in the coming months:
SB 262 (Williams) – Charter/Voucher Funding – to require the direct payment of state funding to community schools and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics schools; to require the direct payment of K-12 state scholarships; and to make an appropriation.
>> You can monitor the status of all the bills we are watching here.