What you need to know about Ohio Politics and Policy
· February 3, 2015
Legislation: Ohio Senate Bill 9 – Infant Mortality
Bill: Senate Bill 9 (full text) Title: Infant Mortality
Sponsors: Senators Jones and Lehner
Co-Sponsors: Senators Manning and Beagle
Bill Analysis: This bill amends and enacts sections of the Revised Code regarding data collection on state-administered services provided in the home that are aimed at reducing infant mortality and negative birth outcomes or health disparities among women who are pregnant or capable of becoming pregnant and who belong to a racial or ethnic minority. It also amends Medicaid coverage of certain services for pregnant women, new mothers, or women who may become pregnant.
Status: Introduced in the Senate February 2, 2015. Referred to Medicaid Committee February 4, 2015. Received hearings on February 11 and June 3, 2015. Amendments were added to the bill on June 3, 2015 to allocate $4.6 million for expanding the efforts in designated target areas in the state.