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· February 24, 2015

Legislation: Ohio Senate Bill 83 – Address Confidentiality

Bill: Senate Bill 83 (full text)  Title: Address Confidentiality Sponsors: Senator Williams Co-Sponsors: Senators Brown, Tavares, Yuko Bill Analysis: This bill would establish an address confidentiality program for individuals who reasonably believe that they are in danger of being threatened or physically harmed by another person. Women would be able to apply for this program to protect themselves from  domestic violence and sexually oriented offenses. The program establishes an alternate mailing address with the Secretary of state that participants can use for government transactions to shield their home address and other personal identifying information from the public record where it could be available to abusers. The Secretary of State’s office would serve as the intermediary for election-related correspondence and facilitate voting for the participants. Status: Introduced in the Senate February 23, 2015. Referred to the State and Local Government Committee March 4, 2015.  Received a hearing on March 24, 2015.

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