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· February 17, 2015

Legislation: Ohio House Bill 69 – Abortion

Bill: House Bill 69 (full text)  Title: Abortion Sponsors: Representatives Hagan and Hood Co-Sponsors:, Representatives Buchy, Amstutz, Antani, Becker, Blessing, Boose, Brenner, Brinkman, Burkley, Butler, Conditt, Derickson, DeVitis, Dovilla, Ginter, Hall, Hambley, Hayes, Henne, Hill, Huffman, Johnson, T., Koehler, Kraus, Landis, LaTourette, Maag, McClain, McColley, Patmon, Pelanda, Perales, Retherford, Rezabek, Roegner, Rosenberger,  Romanchuk, Ruhl, Schaffer, Schuring, Slaby, Smith, R., Sprague, Terhar, Thompson, Vitale, Young, Zeltwange Bill Analysis: This bill prohibits the abortion of an unborn human individual with a detectable heartbeat and it also creates the Joint Legislative Committee on Adoption Promotion and Support. Status: Introduced in the House February 17, 2015. Referred to the Community and Family Advancement Committee February 19, 2015. Received hearings on March 3, 2015, March 10, 2015 and March 17, 2015. Passed the House 55-40 on March 25, 2015. Referred to Senate Health and Human Services Committee on April 14, 2015.
House 3/25/2015
Yeas (Anti-Women): 55
Ron Amstutz Niraj Antani John Becker Louis W. Blessing III
Terry Boose Andrew Brenner Thomas E. Brinkman, Jr. Jim Buchy
Tony Burkley Jim Butler Margaret Conditt Robert R. Cupp
Anthony DeVitis Timothy Derickson Jonathon Dever Mike Dovilla
Timothy Ginther Doug Green Bob D. Hackett Christina Hagan
David Hall Stephen D. Hambley Bill Hayes Michael Henne
Brian Hill Ron Hood Stephen A. Huffman Terry Johnson
Kyle Koehler Steven W. Kraus Sarah LaTourette Al Landis
Ron Maag Jeff McClain Robert McColley Bill Patmon
Dorothy Pelanda Rick Perales Bill Reineke Wes Retherford
Jeffrey S. Rezabek Mark J. Romanchuk Cliff Rosenberger Margaret Ann Ruhl
Tim Schaffer Gary Scherer Kirk Schuring Marilyn Slaby
Ryan Smith Robert Sprague Louis Terhar Andy Thompson
A. Nino Vitale Ron Young Paul Zeltwanger
Nays (Pro-Women): 40
Marlene Anielski Nickie J. Antonio Mike Ashford Nan A. Baker
Kevin Boyce Janine R. Boyd Tim W. Brown Nicholas J. Celebrezze
Jack Cera Kathleen Clyde Hearcel F. Craig Michael F. Curtin
Denise Driehaus Mike Duffey Teresa Fedor Ronald V. Gerberry
Anne Gonzales Cheryl L. Grossman Stephanie D. Howse Greta Johnson
Stephanie Kunze David Leland Michele Lepore-Hagan Nathan H. Manning
Sean O’Brien Michael J. O’Brien John Patterson Debbie Phillips
Dan Ramos Alicia Reece John M. Rogers Scott Ryan
Barbara R. Sears Michael Sheehy Stephen Slesnick Kent Smith
Michael Stinziano Fred Strahorn Martin J. Sweeney Emilia Strong Sykes

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