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· January 15, 2015

Legislation: Ohio House Bill 575 – Economic Council on Women

Bill: House Bill 575 (full text, official bill analysis) Title: Economic Council on Women Sponsors: Representatives Baker and Anielski Co-Sponsors: Representatives Duffey, Pelanda, Ruhl, Grossman, Conditt, Hagan, C., Gonzales, Slaby, Derickson, Sears, Driehaus, Antonio, Terhar, Beck, Burkley, Henne, Kunze, Adams, R., Barborak, Bishoff, Blessing, Boyce, Brown, Budish, Butler, Celebrezze, Cera, Clyde, Dovilla, Fedor, Foley, Gerberry, Green, Hackett, Hagan, R., Hall, Hayes, Heard, Hill, Hottinger, Huffman, Letson, Lundy, Mallory, Milkovich, O’Brien, Patterson, Phillips, Pillich, Redfern, Reece, Rogers, Romanchuk, Scherer, Sheehy, Slesnick, Smith, Sprague, Stebelton, Stinziano, Strahorn, Sykes, Thompson, Williams, Young Bill Analysis: This bill would create the Economic Council on Women to examine the economic concern and needs of women in Ohio. Status: Introduced in the House May 27, 2014. Passed the House June, 4 2014. Introduced in the Senate June 9, 2014 and received hearings in the Senate. Votes:
House 6/4/14
Yea (Pro-Women): 96
Adams J. Adams R. Amstutz Anielski
Antonio Baker Barborak Barnes
Beck Becker Bishoff Blair
Blessing Boose Boyce Brenner
Brown Buchy Budish Burkley
Butler Carney Celebrezze Cera
Clyde Conditt Curtin Damschroder
DeVitis Derickson Dovilla Driehaus
Duffey Fedor Foley Gerberry
Gonzales Green Grossman Hackett
Hagan, C. Hagan, R. Hall Hayes
Heard Henne Hill Hood
Hottinger Huffman Johnson Kunze
Landis Letson Lundy Lynch
Maag Mallory McClain McGregor
Milkovich O’Brien Patmon Patterson
Pelanda Perales Phillips Pillich
Redfern Reece Retherford Roegner
Rogers Romanchuk Rosenberger Ruhl
Scherer Schuring Sears Sheehy
Slaby Slesnick Smith Sprague
Stautberg Stebelton Stinziano Strahorn
Sykes Terhar Thompson Wachtmann
Williams Winburn Young Batchelder

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