Legislation: Ohio House Bill 511 – Family and Medical Leave Insurance
Bill: House Bill 511 (full text)Title: Family and Medical Leave Insurance Benefits
Sponsors: Representatives Bryant Kuhns and Boyd
Co-Sponsors: Representatives Sykes, Johnson, Ramos, Antonio, Lepore-Hagan, Clyde, Boggs, Boyce, Phillips, Cera, Ashford, Patterson, Rogers, Sheehy, O’Brien, Celebrezze, Craig, Smith, Bishoff, Driehaus, Curtin, Leland, Sweeney, Fedor, Boccieri, Slesnick, Reece, O’Brien, Howse, and Strahorn
Bill Analysis: This bill would establish a family and medical leave insurance program for the state. The program would provide up to 12 weeks in a 12-month period of paid leave benefits (up to $1,000 a week) for an employee to address their own serious health condition, care for a family member, or to bond with and care for a child following the birth or adoption.
Status: Introduced in the House on April 7, 2016. The bill was referred to the House Committee on Insurance on April 26, 2016.