Legislation: Ohio House Bill 325 – Drug Addiction Treatment for Pregnant Women
Bill: House Bill 325 (full text)Title: Encouraging Drug Addiction Treatment for Pregnant Women
Sponsors: Representatives Green and O’Brien
Co-Sponsors: Representatives Grossman, Sheehy, Bishoff, Hill, Rogers, Smith, Phillips, Sprague, Young, Brenner, Smith, Antani, Belssing III, Burkley, Antonio, Boose, Hambley, Ginter, Sears, DeVitis, Rezabek, Thompson, Johnson, Ashford, Hackett, Ruchy, Lepore-Hagan, Scherer, Fedor, Slesnick, Ramos, Brown, Terhar, McClain, Stinziano, Curtin, Huffman, Maag, Derickson, Conditt, Romanchuk, Amstutz, Anielski, Arndt, Baker, Boccieri, Boyd, Celebrezze, Cera, Craig, Dever, Driehaus, Duffey, Gonzales, Hagan, Howse, Manning, O’Brien, Patmon, Patterson, Reineke, Ruhl, Slaby, Strahorn, and Sweeney
Bill Analysis: This bill would encourage pregnant women with substance addiction to seek treatment. It would prohibit child services from filing a complaint or remove a child based solely on a newborn mother’s use of a controlled substance during pregnancy if the mother does all of the following: enters a program before the end of the 20th week of pregnancy; completes or is in process of completing the program and complies with the terms of the program; and attends all regularly scheduled appointments and maintains prenatal care.
Status: Bill was introduced in the House on September 8, 2015. It was referred to the House Community and Family Advancement Committee on October 1, 2015. Received hearings in the House Committee on October 6 and 13 and November 4, 2015. The House Committee reported on the bill 12-0 on November 5, 2015.
It received a hearing and passed in the House 92-1 on February 23, 2016. On February 24, 2016 the bill was introduced to the Senate. It was referred to the Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee on April 12, 2016. Received Committee hearings on April, 20 and May 3, 2016. The bill passed in the Senate on November 30, 2016. See how your legislators voted here.