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· March 26, 2015

Legislation: Ohio House Bill 135 – Abortion Ban (Down Syndrome)

Bill: House Bill 135 (full text) Title: Abortion Ban (Down Syndrome) Sponsors: Representatives Hall and LaTourette Co-sponsors:  Representatives Ruhl, Hagan, Retherford, Thompson, Becker, Vitale, Grossman, Koehler, Hambley, Hood, Amstutz, Blessing, Schaffer, Johnson, T., Buchy, Henne, Young, Hayes Bill Analysis: This bill prohibits the abortion of a fetus because of a test result or diagnosis of down syndrome. A physician found guilty of violating the prohibition will be subject to a fourth degree felony, revocation of a physician’s license and exposure to civil liability, damages and fees. Women seeking abortions are immune to prosecution under the bill. Status: Introduced in the House March 25, 2015. Referred to the House Community and Family Advancement Committee on April 14, 2015. Received Committee hearings on May 5, 2015, May 19, 2015, June 2, 2015, and June 16, 2015. Passed 9-3 by the House Community and Family Advancement Committee on June 17, 2015. Votes Cast:
House Community & Family Advancement Committee 6/16/15
Yeas: 9
Niraj J. Antani (R) Timothy Derickson (R) Jonathan Dever (R) Timothy E. Ginter (R)
Christina Hagan (R) Bill Hayes (R) Ron Hood (R) Bill Patmon (D)
Ron Young (R)
Nos: 3
Kevin Boyce (D) Janine R. Boyd (D) Kevin Boyce (D)

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