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Erin Ryan · October 14, 2016

Use the #FamiliesFirst Action Guide to Help Raise the Stakes for Women and Working Families in the Ohio US Senate Race


The Ohio US Senate Debates Must Put #FamiliesFirst

While it’s encouraging that issues impacting women and working families have entered the national spotlight during the 2016 election cycle—the discussion can’t stop there. Ohio voters deserve to hear from both Senate candidates on the issues that will have a direct impact on women and working families such as affordable child care, access to paid leave, raising the minimum wage, and addressing student debt. Every Ohio woman and working family should be able to make livable wages, take care of a new baby, family member, or recover from their own illnesses, to access affordable, high-quality child care, or get an education without being straddled with debt for decades. Ohio women and working families have too much at stake in 2016 to not hold your Senate candidates accountable for where they stand. Use this #FamiliesFirst toolkit to demand that Ted Strickland and Rob Portman put policies for women and working families at the forefront of the election and make these issues a central part of the Ohio US Senate race debates.  

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