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Innovation Ohio · March 1, 2021

The Work Continues — Statement from Desiree Tims

Today kicks off the start of Women’s History Month. This month is dedicated to commemorating and celebrating the role women have played in shaping American history.

From activists calling for bold action, to artists and athletes influencing culture, to elected officials advancing pro-women policy, women have long been at the forefront of movements for social change. But this recognition of the women who have paved the way in history must extend beyond the month of March.

At Innovation Ohio, we recognize the unprecedented moment we are in right now to advance real, systemic change for the lives of women. Here’s a look at some of the work Innovation Ohio and our program, the Women’s Public Policy Network, have been leading in the fight for gender equity:

The women throughout our country’s history have brought us to where we are today, but it will be on all of us to continue to move the needle forward for change. We hope you will join us in this fight!

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In Solidarity,

Desiree Tims
Innovation Ohio CEO

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