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· May 17, 2012

House Health Chairman promotes misinformation, plans more cuts to Planned Parenthood

Health & Aging Committee Chairman Lynn Wachtmann
Legislation (HB 298) to block federal funds to Planned Parenthood received a third hearing in the House Health & Aging Committee yesterday. Despite two earlier meetings to hear from the bill’s backers, Chairman Lynn Wachtmann again dedicated most of the session to again hear from opponents of Planned Parenthood. And their testimony was anything but enlightening. Much of it was filled with misinformation and lies. Case in point:
“We can hardly tell women that Planned Parenthood is an organization that will give them a choice when over 90 percent of their clients receive an abortion. Young women are coerced, are pressured, are manipulated from all angles to tell them that abortion is their only choice, abortion is the easiest choice, abortion is the best choice,” said Nicole Floetker, 24, of Columbus. (Columbus Dispatch, “New spat in legislature over family-planning aid“)
We’re not sure where Nicole went when she was pregnant, but this is completely false. In reality, pregnancy termination represents 3 percent of Planned Parenthood services and is only available at 2 of 32 locations around Ohio. But let’s not let facts get in the way of laws that impact the ability of real women to receive healthcare. The Chairman also promises to go after Planned Parenthood even more aggressively, replicating a provision that was inserted into the budget and removed last month:
He (Wachtmann) also plans to introduce a substitute bill that is expected to block additional federal aid to Planned Parenthood, including money for breast- and cervical-cancer screenings, infertility prevention and other women’s health services. (from the Dispatch coverage)
Because that totally sounds like a way to improve women’s health. Those changes are expected to be adopted by the committee at its hearing next Wednesday (at 9am in room 116 of the Statehouse). We’ll keep you posted if the schedule changes.  

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