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· September 17, 2013

Coming Attractions: Pending Legislation Impacts Women

The Ohio Legislature is due back in session in October. As they head back to session we thought it’d be helpful to be armed with the facts on a few pieces of pending legislation that will impact women. 1) The Heartbeat Bill, HB 248,  is back. Introduced by Representative Hagan, this legislation would prohibit an abortion after a heartbeat is detected, as early as six weeks of pregnancy.  The sponsor has stated her intention of triggering a fight in the courts. Fact Sheet: Heartbeat Bill 2) HB 200 was introduced by Rep. Hood shortly before the General Assembly went on Summer break. It has received one hearing and may receive more hearings when the General Assembly is back in session. This bill would leave Ohio with the most restrictive laws concerning abortion in the nation and attempts to put enough restrictions in place to eliminate the ability of women to obtain an abortion in Ohio without passing an outright ban. Fact Sheet: HB 200

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