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· October 9, 2017

Statehouse Preview: Week of October 9th


Innovation Ohio to Testify in Support of Tampon Tax Repeal Bill; Down Syndrome Abortion Ban Gets Third Hearing

Bill Ending the Tax on Feminine Hygiene Products to Get Second Hearing on Tuesday
The House Ways and Means Committee will be hearing proponent testimony Tuesday @ 9 AM in Room 121 on HB 61, a bill that would end Ohio’s sales tax on the sale of feminine hygiene products. This tax on a basic necessity can be especially burdensome to women in poverty. Currently, 13 states and DC exempt these products from sales taxes. With four doing so in the past year. Innovation Ohio’s Erin Ryan will be providing proponent testimony on this bill to highlight the importance of rolling back this tax on Ohio’s women.
Bill Banning Abortion For Women Pregnant With Fetus Diagnosed With Down Syndrome Gets Third Hearing
HB 214, a bill preventing women from aborting a fetus diagnosed with Down Syndrome if that diagnosis is in some way part of the reason for seeking the abortion, will receive a third hearing this week. The House Health Committee will meet on Wednesday @ 9 AM in Room 121 to hear opponent and interested party testimony on the bill.
Both Houses in Session This Week
The House and Senate are both scheduled to be in Session on Wednesday at 1:30 PM.

Call Your State Lawmaker and Urge them to Support HB 61 and End the Tax on Women

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