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Nick Tuell · May 9, 2023

REPORT: A Justice Agenda for Black Women and Girls

Innovation Ohio Education Fund is pleased to announce A Justice Agenda for Black Women and Girls.

This report focuses on ways in which currently pending or passed state-level policy harms or holds back the lives of Black women and girls. We examine ways in which housing, workforce, and education policies create barriers for Black women and girls face in their lives and in seeking justice. We will then offer policy solutions for state-level policy makers to implement in order to close the gap on discriminatory policies and practices.

We know that the experiences of all black women and girls are not the same. Every community has unique challenges and obstacles. However, what we do know is there are patterns of discriminatory systemic disadvantages in housing, employment, and education that are both paramount foundational requirements for economic success and larger barriers for Black women and girls. We hope you find this report and its recommendations vital to overcoming real challenges to address systemic barriers.

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