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Terra Goodnight · October 30, 2023

Statehouse Preview for Oct 30, 2023: Higher Ed Reform Back In Play

It’s Official: The Legislature In Back In Session

it’s another slow week at the statehouse with both chambers out of session, but we have several committee hearings to watch in our wrap-up below.

One development we’re watching closely is movement on SB83, a so-called Higher Education “reform” bill that, when originally proposed early in 2023, would block unionized campus employees from striking during a labor dispute. The bill also prohibits many courses and diversity programs that focus on the study of gender or race. Negotiations are ongoing between the House and Senate on a compromise version that may include changes such as excluding non-faculty staff from a strike ban. A hearing is currently scheduled for Wednesday morning in the House Higher Education committee with the introduction of a substitute bill possible. 

Below are all the new bills and events around the Statehouse we’re watching this week.

New Legislation This Week

No new bills were introduced last week that we are adding to our tracker. You can always view the full list of the bills we are monitoring here.

Statehouse Meetings & Events


10:30am – House State & Local Government – 1st hearing (sponsor testimony) on HB271 (Election Ballots). Statehouse Room 119 or watch online.

11:00am – House Transportation – 3rd hearing (opponent testimony) on HR198 (Electric Vehicles) and HB279 (school bus safety restraints). Statehouse Room 017 or watch online.

2:30pm – House Government Oversight – 3rd hearing (opponen testimony) on HB272 (Concealed Handguns). Statehouse Room 114 or watch online.


10:30am – House Public Health Policy – 1st hearing (sponsor testimony) on HJR4 (Face Masks). Statehouse Room 121 or watch online

10:30am – House Higher Education – 2nd hearing (sponsor testimony & possible substitute) on SB83 (Higher Education Reform). Statehouse Room 017 or watch online.

Because schedules change, every weekday morning activities are planned at the Statehouse, we post an update on Twitter. Follow the #OHLeg hashtag for more updates.
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