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Innovation Ohio · July 21, 2021

Innovation Ohio Welcomes President Joe Biden Back to Ohio

Today, Desiree Tims, President and CEO of Innovation Ohio, released the following statement welcoming President Joe Biden back to Ohio in advance of tonight’s CNN town hall in Cincinnati:

“Joe Biden has only been in office a few months, but he’s already done so much for Ohio. We’re thrilled to welcome him back again today.

“Cincinnati, where the president will be tonight, has already benefited from $280 million in local COVID relief funds.

“Millions of families throughout Ohio are also receiving monthly payments to help with child care costs. 

President Biden and Democrats in Congress are sending real, tangible support directly to Ohio families.

“Cincinnati is also home to the crumblingcongested Brent Spence bridge — a perfect example of the need to pass Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan.

“Ohioans need safe, reliable roads and bridges in order to get to work. We need broadband internet to do our jobs and help our kids with homework. We need the president’s infrastructure plan to pass.

“And, as Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown reminds us, infrastructure is about much more than roads and bridges. Infrastructure also includes child care, paid leave, and programs that help us build strong communities. 

“We’re hopeful that Congress will stand with Sherrod Brown, Joe Biden, and the majority of Americans and pass these human infrastructure programs quickly.

“We’re grateful to President Biden and to Ohio’s Democratic elected officials who voted for the American Rescue Plan. And we urge Congress to take the next step to pass a strong infrastructure package that will literally lay the groundwork for Ohio’s future.”

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Tagged in these Policy Areas: coronavirus | Paid Leave