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Innovation Ohio · May 27, 2021

As President Biden Visits Ohio, Desiree Tims Praises American Rescue Plan

COLUMBUS — Today, as President Joe Biden visited Ohio, Desiree Tims, President and CEO of Innovation Ohio, released the following statement praising the American Rescue Plan and its impact on the state:

“We are so grateful to have President Biden in Ohio today as the American Rescue Plan continues to help our state recover. 

The president’s plan is having a real, direct impact on Ohioans’ lives. It provides support in so many ways — from child tax credits, to rental assistance, to small business relief, to protecting our veterans. It’s exactly the boost our communities needed. 

“I’m also thrilled to see the president place such a high priority on infrastructure. Rebuilding our state will mean stable, good-paying jobs in dozens of industries for thousands of people. And the result will be a stronger Ohio that’s ready to grow and flourish for years to come.”

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