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Innovation Ohio · May 21, 2020

Who has access to COVID-19 emergency leave benefits?

A resource created by: Innovation Ohio, Policy Matters Ohio, PL+US: Paid Leave for the United States, and the Ohio Women’s Public Policy Network

UPDATED: April 30, 2020*

No matter where we are from or what we look like, all of us work hard for our families and deserve a job where we are treated with dignity and respect. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed cracks in our country’s caregiving systems, underlining the reality many working people face everyday: the impossible choice between their paycheck and their health. One crucial way we can rebuild an economy where all working families have the opportunity to thrive is to ensure everyone has access to paid sick days and paid family leave, during this crisis and beyond.

As COVID-19 hit our communities, members of Congress came together to take action and passed federal emergency paid sick and paid leave benefits. Unfortunately, policymakers left behind millions of working people in the final legislation, and there is still work to be done to ensure everyone has access to the emergency leave they need. As we work with partners to advocate for legislation that ensures everyone has the support they need to work safely and provide for their families, you deserve to know what benefits are available to you right now.

Innovation Ohio, Policy Matters Ohio, PL+US: Paid Leave for the US, and The Ohio Women’s Public Policy Network partnered on the following Benefits Chart resource to help working people and families navigate the new emergency paid sick days and paid leave programs Congress enacted to respond to COVID-19.

Paid Sick Days and Paid Leave Changes in The Families First Act (Coronavirus Relief Package #2)

This chart does not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the state or federal government, agencies, or other companies/organizations. We have provided additional information and resources to further explain the benefits, and it is the reader’s responsibility to verify the facts of coverage and seek benefits. 


Worker is diagnosed with COVID-19 and is unable to work (or telework)

Emergency Paid Sick Days – YES

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – NO

Worker is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking a medical diagnosis and is unable to work (or telework)

Emergency Paid Sick Days – YES

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – NO

Worker was exposed to COVID-19, is required to quarantine/isolate, and is unable to work (or telework), even while workplace remains open

Emergency Paid Sick Days – YES

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – NO

Worker is caring for family or household member who is diagnosed with COVID-19, exposed to COVID-19, or ordered to quarantine/isolate due to COVID-19 concerns and is unable to work (or telework)

Emergency Paid Sick Days – YES

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – NO

Worker is caring for family or household member who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking a medical diagnosis and worker is unable to work (or telework)

Emergency Paid Sick Days – NO

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – NO

Worker is unable to work (or telework) due to a need to provide care to child(ren) whose school or normal care provider is closed or unavailable because of COVID-19

Emergency Paid Sick Days – YES

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – YES

Worker is unable to work (or telework) due to a need to provide care to elders or family members with disabilities if their normal care provider is closed or unavailable because of COVID-19

Emergency Paid Sick Days – MAYBE

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – MAYBE

Worker is vulnerable to COVID-19 and advised or requested to quarantine/isolate by health care provider and is unable to work (or telework) 

Emergency Paid Sick Days – YES

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – NO

Worker, afraid of exposure to COVID-19, refuses to go to work and chooses to socially isolate or self-quarantine, without telework option 

Emergency Paid Sick Days – NO

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – NO

Worker quits their job as a direct result of COVID-19 

Emergency Paid Sick Days – NO

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – NO

Employer is ordered to close as a result of a federal, state, or local quarantine or isolation order due to concerns about COVID-19

Emergency Paid Sick Days – NO

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – NO

Employer shuts down due to slowdown in business or lack of demand due to COVID-19 

Emergency Paid Sick Days – NO

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – NO

Employer stays open, but worker’s hours (and pay) reduced due to COVID-19 

Emergency Paid Sick Days – NO

Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave – NO

Paid Sick Days and Paid Leave Changes in The Families First Act (Coronavirus Relief Package #2)


Emergency Paid Sick Days Paid Expanded Family and Medical Leave
Healthcare worker or emergency responder  MAYBEMAYBE
Domestic worker YESYES
Contract worker (1099 worker), gig economy worker, or freelance worker YESYES
Self-employed workerYESYES
Worker who is employed at a small business under 50 employees  MAYBEMAYBE
Worker who is employed at private sector employer with more than 500 employeesNONO
Part-time, hourly, or tipped worker  YESYES
Low wage worker excluded from state unemployment insurance eligibility based on wage or hour requirements earnings YESYES
Immigrant workerYESYES
Public sector workerMAYBEMAYBE

Some sections of the chart need further clarification.

Download the full report for more information and to learn how to access benefits.

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