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· July 11, 2012

Kasich Plays Politics; Ohio Loses Millions

Insurance exchanges are online marketplaces for individuals and small businesses to shop for affordable health insurance plans that best fit their needs. Two years after the Affordable Care Act, Ohio has not yet launched an exchange, and based on statements by Lt. Governor Mary Taylor, it probably never will. The Kasich administration complains that they don’t have the money to set up a state insurance exchange, estimating their cost at $30 to 40 million per year. Yet, for two years, they’ve refused to apply for federal planning grants that could have been used for this very purpose.

States bordering Ohio have pulled down over $130 million in federal exchange grants and Ohio has received only $1 million, and only because the previous Governor, Ted Strickland, applied for it.  In total, 35 states have applied for these federal funds and have received more than Ohio. Because of the administration’s inaction, Ohioans will have an exchange created for us by the federal government, putting Ohio insurance companies at risk and a possible disadvantage. Read Innovation Ohio’s full press  release on Ohio’s refusal to apply for federal exchange planning grants.

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