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Terra Goodnight · October 5, 2017

Today’s House budget vote sets up huge cuts, tax breaks

Today, the US House of Representatives will debate and vote on a 2018 Budget Resolution (H. Con Res. 71) that sets the stage for trillions of dollars in cuts to programs people rely on, in order to lay the groundwork for a massive tax cut for the wealthy and corporations. Like its 2017 predecessor which made it possible to repeal the Affordable Care Act with just 50 votes, the 2018 budget resolution similarly containes “reconciliation” instructions that will allow Congress to come back any time in the next year and enact tax breaks and spending cuts with a slim majority of Senators. The House Budget resolution incorporates the same ACA repeal measure that the chamber passed earlier this year – a package which would cause 23 million to lose their health care, eliminates the Medicaid expansion but also caps the traditional Medicaid program at the expense of children, seniors and people with disabilities. The resolution goes even further, however, and makes cuts to Medicare, environmental protection, Pell Grants, student loans, food assistance and many other programs American families depend on for their health, safety and economic security. In total, the package cuts $5.8 trillion from vital programs so that it can later be spent on huge tax breaks for a narrow minority of wealthy individuals and corporations.

Call your Representative today at 1-888-516-5820 and tell them to vote NO on this dangerous budget. 

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