For over a decade, we’ve tried and failed to fix our broken congressional redistricting process. But now we have a chance to make real change.
By voting YES ON ISSUE 1 on the May 8th primary ballot, we can end unchecked partisan gerrymandering once and for all. And we can do it before the districts are redrawn again in just a few years.
Ohio is a swing state with a history of electing presidents and governors from both parties. Yet, because of gerrymandering, 12 of our current 16 congressional districts favor one party, in this case, the Republicans.
If Issue 1 passes, it will establish a new system for drawing a fairer map. It will do so by forcing the parties to cooperate and placing strict anti-gerrymanding limits on how a map can be drawn.
Doing nothing is not an option. The status quo is bad for Democrats and it’s bad for democracy.
On Election Day next week (May 8) , I hope you’ll join me in supporting State Issue 1 and reforming the congressional redistricting process.
From Keary McCarthy, President, Innovation Ohio Education Fund