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Terra Goodnight · January 24, 2017

IO Calls for Delay of Tom Price’s Hearing for HHS Secretary Amid Accusations

Untitled FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: 614-220-0150 DATE: January 24, 2017 Innovation Ohio Calls for Delay of Tom Price’s Hearing for HHS Secretary Amid Accusations of Insider Trading Columbus, Ohio– With HHS Director nominee Tom Price’s hearing scheduled for today, Innovation Ohio is calling for a delay in the hearing until the U.S. Senate holds a proper investigation into Price’s misconduct in response to the new reports that the Georgia Congressman “traded more than $300,000 in shares of health-related companies over the past four years while sponsoring and advocating legislation that potentially could affect those companies’ stocks.” Janetta King, CEO, Innovation Ohio: “Tom Price has already been shown to be too dangerous and extreme of a pick for HHS Secretary, and now it appears he may be too corrupt as well.  We know that if confirmed, Price would work to take away health care from 30 million Americans and replace Medicare with a voucher system that would skyrocket seniors’ health costs. But the recent reports concerning Price’s introduction of legislation that would directly benefit his medical stock investments now calls his ethics into question, not just his extreme agenda that would undermine America’s health security. We don’t need an HHS director that puts his personal wealth above the health needs of the American people. “The accusations of insider trading are too serious to be overlooked, and should be afforded serious scrutiny before his hearing begins,” added Ms. King.

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