What you need to know about Ohio Politics and Policy
· August 23, 2012
Women’s Issues Scorecard – Ohio House of Representatives
IO’s Women’s Watch has tracked bills affecting women introduced since January, 2011, and today we issue a scorecard grading all 99 members of the Ohio House on 10 key votes on women’s bills in the 129th General Assembly.
The results are, as you might expect, not encouraging. 39 members received an A, meaning they voted the pro-woman position at least 90 percent of the time. Two members got Bs, four received Cs and just one rated a D. Sadly, 53 of 99 members of the Ohio House received an F.
Among the measures that affected scoring were four new laws, signed by Governor Kasich, rolling back reproductive rights, the fetal heartbeat bill, one of the most restrictive anti-abortion measures in the nation. Our scores also looked at pro-women offerings like rape counseling for juveniles and a requirement for insurers to offer maternity coverage that sadly, failed to be included into otherwise harmful legislation.
How did your rep do? Find out. Read our complete tally of votes and scores here.