What you need to know about Ohio Politics and Policy
· February 28, 2011
Ohio Teachers and Collective Bargaining: An Analysis
Research Overview
Ohio’s path to economic prosperity begins in the classroom. Our leaders must work together to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s jobs, rather than pursue an ill-advised assault on collective bargaining justified by the false claim that teachers’ ability to negotiate wages and benefits has contributed to Ohio’s projected budget deficit.
The opposite is true. During the depths of the Great Recession, Ohio teachers made great financial sacrifices – among the largest in the country. They also served as willing partners in reforming how educators are evaluated and compensated and their efforts in the classroom have resulted in improved student outcomes.
In short, Ohio’s teachers have worked with school districts and the state to make Ohio schools better and our education system more financially sustainable.
If our political leaders fail to recognize these realities, they risk undermining and trading long-term success for minor short-term state budget gains. In fact, research shows that eliminating or effectively crippling the state’s collective bargaining system will be as likely to add to state and local budget woes as cure them.Press Release: Innovation Ohio Says Facts Don’t Support Senate Bill 5Read the report (PDF).