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Stephen Dyer · January 9, 2013

Report: Ohio charters get around the law

Today, Policy Matters Ohio released a report demonstrating how some failing charter schools in Ohio are able to remain open, despite laws meant to shut them down. The report found that seven of 20 schools that were closed simply reopened under a different name. These failing schools continue to draw money away from higher-performing traditional public schools, and deceive parents and children. The Policy Matters report confirms what has been suspected for years — that failing Charters that are shut down can merely change their name and re-open. We must figure out a way for charter school accountability to mean something. In Ohio, kids see 6.5% less revenue than the state says is needed for their education thanks to the diversion of funds away from public schools. The least we can do is make sure the charters that everyone agrees should be shut down stay shut down.

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