Ohio’s charter schools spend far more on administration than public schools
Governor Kasich frequently claims to embrace school funding policies that put more money in the classroom. So a new Innovation Ohio Education Fund analysis released today may prove instructive, as it looks at how likely Ohio traditional public and charter schools are to do just that.
The IOEF analysis finds that:
Traditional public school districts in Ohio dedicated 11.5% of their spending to administration
The average charter spends over 28% on administration
The best charter schools spend 20.5%, while the worst spend nearly 40% on administration
On a per pupil basis, the worst charter schools in Ohio spend six times as much on administration
Even the best charters spend more money on administration than the worst public school districts and buildings.
As a House-Senate conference committee works to finalize the state’s upcoming two-year budget, they should consider whether charters, particularly poor performing charters, are a good investment of taxpayer funds if the goal is truly to get dollars into the classroom.
Read the IOEF analysis here.