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Terra Goodnight · January 29, 2024

REPORT: A Justice Agenda – Ohio’s Missing Voters Part 2

By Terra Goodnight, Director of Research and Lily Furgeson, Communications and Research Associate

Innovation Ohio Education Fund (IOEF) announces the release of a part two sequel to the Ohio’s Missing Voters report. In the previous report, Innovation Ohio Education Fund announced that Ohio is home to 2M eligible to vote residents that are not registered and 700k inactive voters that are in danger of being purged. Recognizing that Ohio’s electorate is not as representative of its people as it could be. 

In this report, our objective was to gain deeper insights into whether Ohio’s laws are worsening Ohio’s Missing Voters’ problem and how other states and their laws may offer a solution. Ohio has always played a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s political direction, and it is our responsibility to ensure that every eligible citizen’s voice is heard in our democratic process. We compared voter turnout and voting policies in midwestern battleground states: Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Pennsylvania. Looking at the last three federal General Elections, we found that Ohio consistently ranks at the bottom in voter turnout and provides the least voter-friendly policies. 

Tagged in these Policy Areas: Democracy