What you need to know about Ohio Politics and Policy
In Ohio, more than 600,000 seniors who rely on their Medicare benefits receive one or more preventive services—such as cancer screenings, diabetes testing, and bone density scans—free of charge through their Medicare plan. This is saving Ohio seniors money each year and also providing them with the care needed to protect their health.Innumerable studies show that resources spent on preventive care – like routine checkups and screenings for common ailments – saves more money in the longrun throughout the healthcare system. It’s the difference between healthcare – catching things early – and sick care – paying more to treat illness when it’s become more serious. Third, the Romney-Ryan plan calls for block granting Medicaid and cutting the amount the federal government spends on the program. Many seniors and their families end up relying on Medicaid to help defray the costs of long-term care. Romney’s cuts to Medicaid, according to CAP, would increase the cost of nursing home care by about $2,500 per year for seniors on Medicare and Medicaid. Our research estimates that when you add it all up, a Romney presidency could cost today’s seniors up to $11,000 more out of pocket per year for their healthcare. Can you afford that?