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Terra Goodnight · September 14, 2012

Romney spokesperson admits his plan won’t work

Romney spox: our plan doesn’t add up
On Wednesday, we released a report in partnership with the Center for American Progress Action Fund looking at the effect of Romney’s economic plans on Ohioans. In it we explain that, in order to lower tax rates on the nation’s top income earners, Romney would have to eliminate tax breaks for the middle class, in effect increasing the amount of taxes they pay. Perhaps the most entertaining reaction to the report comes from the Romney campaign’s Ohio spokesperson — Christopher Maloney — speaking to the Columbus Dispatch:
“As part of his pushback, Maloney cited a blog by Tax Policy Center director Donald Marron saying, ‘I don’t interpret this (study by his group) as evidence that Governor Romney wants to increase taxes on the middle class in order to cut taxes for the rich, as an Obama campaign ad claimed. Instead, I view it as showing that his plan can’t accomplish all his stated objectives.’
The truth comes out. The fact is, unless Romney eliminates tax breaks enjoyed by middle class Ohioans, he cannot lower tax rates for the wealthy as he’s also promised to do. The plan will not meet its stated objectives. It was nice of his spokesperson to admit as much.

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