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· July 20, 2011

Kasich approval falling; “unfairness” perception rising

For months, IO has said that Governor Kasich’s policies are fundamentally unfair to regular Ohioans and average families.  Evidently, a growing majority agrees. This morning, Quinnipiac University released its latest poll which found that just 35% of Ohioans now support Governor Kasich (down from 38% in May) and shows him “sinking slowly into the quicksand of voter disapproval.” The poll also explained why—a growing belief among Ohioans that the Governor’s budget is “unfair” to people like them. This, of course, is exactly what we’ve been saying—that John Kasich favors the rich and powerful, but turns his back on working Ohioans. And now a solid majority is turning its back on Gov. Kasich. Whether it’s his extremist SB 5 and its all-out assault on the rights of public workers, the billions of dollars in unfair cuts he’s making to schools and local government services, or the millions in corporate welfare he’s handing out in things like tax breaks for oil companies, voters have caught on to the Kasich agenda.  And what do you get when you help the rich and hurt the rest?  A 35% approval rating.  Which we believe will continue to fall, in the Governor’s vernacular, “at the speed of business.”

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