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· September 23, 2012

IO’s Butland: Mandel’s ‘Pants on Fire’ Awards May Lead to Mistaken Identity

Here at IO, we’re about getting at the truth behind what political leaders say and basing our stands on policy on facts. One politician who has been especially careless with the truth this political season is Republican U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel. IO’s Dale Butland appeared on Capitol Square this Sunday morning and summed it up like this:
Sherrod Brown is going to win (the race for U.S. Senate) – not only because Josh Mandel is not competent, but also because he can’t tell the truth. Politifact, the fact checker at the Plain Dealer, has given Josh Mandel six ‘Pants on Fire’ awards. He’s got so many pants on fire awards he is in danger of being mistaken for the Underwear Bomber.
Check out the video below of Butland’s appearance on Capitol Square which airs Sundays at 11 a.m. on WBNS-10TV in Columbus, Ohio.

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