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· November 5, 2012

After Kasich Cuts, Ohio Village Receives Donation

We’ve been running an ongoing project – Kasich Cuts = More Levies. While we’ve focused primarily on school levies, from time to time interesting municipal situations catch our eye. The village of Lowell in Washington County may be small, budget amounts don’t number in the millions, but the Kasich cuts to local governments in have had a big effect. This November voters will decide on a 2-mill tax levy to fund current expenses in the village. Taten Ayers, Lowell village clerk, told the Marietta Times:
Due to cuts to the local government funds Washington County will receive in 2013, the village of Lowell anticipates receiving $11,686.74 in those funds after repayment deductions, a 74 percent or $34,023 reduction in revenue funds compared to 2011, Ayers said. To balance Lowell’s general fund budget for 2013, ‘We’re gonna need to come up with about $44,000 roughly,’ said [Mayor David] Pitzer.
Beyond asking voters to approve a levy request, the village has received private donations to help maintain police and fire services that were in jeopardy due to Kasich’s cuts.  

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