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Lily Furgeson · March 2, 2023

Innovation Ohio 2022 Annual Report

Innovation Ohio is thrilled to share our 2022 Annual Report with all of you. As a trusted voice in Ohio’s progressive community, our goal has always been to build and scale the essential elements of infrastructure, research, communication, and policy to defeat the extremist’s agenda and ensure a multi-cycle progressive comeback in Ohio.

This year, under Desiree’s ongoing leadership, we met the moment by creating a competitive strategy for the 2022 election cycle. Our projects reached Ohioans in every corner of the state and the midterm elections showed the national strength of progressive causes and advocacy efforts. 

In partnership with BallotReady, we launched the Ohio Voter Guide, a new, nonpartisan, interactive tool for the 2022 election season, providing Ohioans with vital information prior to casting their ballot. The guide was a huge success, with 1 in 8 Ohio voters using it to make informed decisions at the voting booth.

Additionally, our Comms Hub and Research Hub continue to provide two vital resources to Ohio’s progressive community. The Comms Hub coordinates weekly communications activities, rapid-response, and media outreach efforts for more than two dozen allied progressive organizations, while the Research Hub, in partnership with other progressive organizations, provides resources for research and polling through a subscription model. 

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to our continued progress and success in the coming year.

IO 22 Annual Report option 1 by Lily Furgeson

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