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Innovation Ohio · April 1, 2022

LaRose’s Support for Impeachment of Ohio Chief Justice is Unacceptable

Today, Desiree Tims, President and CEO of Innovation Ohio, released the following statement condemning Secretary of State Frank LaRose’s commentsindicating he would support a Republican effort to impeach Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor over her redistricting rulings:

“Ohio’s top elections official supports impeaching Ohio’s top Supreme Court justice because he disagrees with her.

“A founding principle of this nation is to function and prosper as three co-equal branches of government. Somewhere, somehow, Republicans are losing sight of that ideal.

“If Republicans impeach the Chief Justice of Ohio’s Supreme Court for ruling against her own political party, it would be the end of checks and balances in Ohio.

Every respectable Republican politician needs to condemn Frank LaRose’s comments immediately.”

Click here for a list of phone numbers and email addresses for Secretary of State Frank LaRose and his top staff.

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