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· June 30, 2014

IO Assails “Hobby Lobby” Decision

For Immediate Release: June 30, 2014 Contact: Dale Butland, 614-783-5833

IO ASSAILS “HOBBY LOBBY” DECISION Think Tank Calls Ruling “Another Blow to Women’s Rights”

Columbus — Innovation Ohio, a progressive think tank headquartered in Columbus, today strongly criticized the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the so-called “Hobby Lobby” case. Communications Director Dale Butland issued the following statement: “By finding in favor of Hobby Lobby today, the U.S. Supreme Court struck another blow against women’s rights, and took another step toward corporate rule in America. “In the Citizens United case of 2010, the Court’s conservative majority ruled that corporations have ‘free speech’ rights.  Today, they granted corporations ‘religious rights.’   While we can only guess what new rights companies may be granted next, there can be no doubt that five of the Court’s nine Justices agree with Mitt Romney’s view that ‘corporations are people, my friend.’ “The clearest victims of today’s ruling are female employees, who must now effectively get their bosses’ permission if they want access to birth control under company insurance policies.  Tomorrow’s victims may include any worker who needs a medical treatment  — including, say, a blood transfusion — to which his or her employer has a religious objection. “There was a time in America when the First Amendment was not interpreted to  include the right to impose one’s religious beliefs on others.  We can only hope that day will come again. “

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