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Tanya Salyers · July 20, 2021

Summer Meals for Ohio Kids

Having kids can strain anyone’s food budget. Fortunately, thanks to forward thinking from President Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress, there are four ways for families to stretch their food budgets farther this summer.

Scan the options to see which might be best for you:

Pay Your Grocery Bills With EBT.

Does your child (or every child in the district) receive a free or reduced lunch at school? If so, the state of Ohio should have mailed you a white electronic benefits (EBT) card earlier this year. You can use it at the grocery store just like a debit card to purchase food.

To participate, call the number on the back of your card. Provide your child’s date of birth to set up a PIN and activate your card today.

Sign up for SNAP.

If you have a limited income (up to $34,450 per year for a family of four — check eligibility here), you can sign up for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to help stretch your food budget. President Biden’s American Rescue Plan added $28 to recipients’ monthly cash benefit through September 2021. 

Click here to learn more and sign up for SNAP.

Fresh Food For Moms and Young Kids.

The Women Infants and Children (WIC) program helps low-income pregnant and postpartum women and children up to age 5 access healthy, nutritious food. President Biden’s American Rescue Plan added $35 per month for healthy fruits and vegetables to each family’s benefits.

Click here to find out if you’re eligible for WIC and learn how to sign up.

Summer Meals To-Go.

This summer, the federal government has allowed participating school districts to offer healthy meals to-to for all resident families of children ages 1-18.

Click here to find out if there’s a summer meal site near you.

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