What you need to know about Ohio Politics and Policy
Innovation Ohio · August 16, 2021
Ohio HB 248 puts lives at risk. It would ban employers, schools, and others from requiring or even incentivizing vaccines. It would weaken Ohio’s vaccination laws in several ways.
Ohio’s Republican supermajority recently invited dozens of witnesses like Sherri Tenpenny to testify in support of HB 248:
HB 248 is expected to receive more Statehouse committee hearings soon. Committee hearings are often scheduled with very little advance notice.
We strongly encourage Ohioans to write their opponent testimony now — so it can be ready at a moment’s notice.
Want to testify against this bill? Or submit written-only testimony? Follow this process:
HOW TO SUBMIT TESTIMONY (in-person OR written-only):
**STOP HERE — wait for the next bill hearing to be announced. Then proceed to Step 3**
If you’re submitting written-only testimony, that’s it! You’re done! You officially testified! If you’re testifying in-person, see below.
Chairman Lipps, Vice Chair Holmes, Ranking Member Russo, and members of the House Health Committee, Thank you for allowing me to testify today. My name is ________. I am [basic bio about yourself]. I am strongly opposed to House Bill 248, the anti vaccination bill. [Then tell them why HB 248 is so bad! Make it short and sweet - a few paragraphs is perfect. Tell a personal story. Or explain why your job experience gives you perspective on the bill. Maybe cite statistics or studies to back up your claims] I ask you to consider my testimony and vote NO on this [harmful / dangerous / embarrassing / etc.] bill. Thank you again for the opportunity to testify. [IF TESTIFYING IN PERSON] I will now take any questions you may have.
AFTER YOU ARE FINISHED SPEAKING, legislators may ask you questions.
Questions? Email Rachel Coyle: Coyle@InnovationOhio.org