What you need to know about Ohio Politics and Policy
Michael McGovern · March 13, 2019
Innovation Ohio Releases 2019 State Budget Priorities
Calls on DeWine to provide necessary resources to improve our state
Columbus, OH – Today, Innovation Ohio released its 2019 state budget priorities. As Gov. Mike DeWine prepares to introduce his first two-year state operating budget, Innovation Ohio urges the administration to include 15 key policies that will provide the resources our state needs to invest in its communities, children and working people. These investments and revenues will strengthen our state in the long term and include policies DeWine advocated for during the 2018 election. IO’s budget priorities can be viewed here. “Gov. DeWine’s budget will show us how committed he is to the policies he has advocated for in his campaign and State of the State speech,” said Innovation Ohio President Janetta King. “He has the opportunity to undo some of the damage done over the last eight years and get serious about investing in Ohio’s families and communities – we hope he takes it.” Budget policies that Gov. DeWine and the legislature should pursue include: Investing in Kids: For years, we have watched as our educational outcomes have lagged behind the rest of the country. It is time that we fund our K-12 and higher education systems adequately, and take steps to reform our school choice system and the failed Academic Distress Commissions. Protect the Dignity of Work: Ohioans who work hard and play by the rules should be able to provide for their families. Our state’s next budget must include policies that strengthen working families, including expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit and quality childcare options, making paid family leave available to all Ohioans, preserving Medicaid expansion, and addressing wage theft. Ensure Ohio’s Communities Have Sufficient Resources to Thrive: Our state has spent the last eight years undermining our local communities. It is time to undo harmful cuts to local governments and restore the Local Government Fund. We must also invest in a successful 2020 Census effort to ensure our state is allocated sufficient Congressional seats and federal funds. Provide Adequate Revenues While Making our Tax System More Fair: Ohio has seen its tax system become steadily more regressive as working and middle-class Ohioans have been forced to shoulder more of the burden. Gov. DeWine’s budget must include adequate revenues in order to fully invest in the future of our state, and do so in a way that restores fairness to our tax system. We suggest two policy changes that would, when combined, recover $1.7 billion each year for investment in needed programs. A fuller list of the policies listed above can be found here: Innovation Ohio’s 2019 State Budget Priorities Innovation Ohio and its allies will be monitoring Gov. DeWine’s budget rollout closely and will be available for comment and analysis on Friday. Founded in 2011, Innovation Ohio is a nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank that blends policy research and advocacy to fight for working families in Ohio. ###