What you need to know about Ohio Politics and Policy
“With conservatives now dominating every branch of Ohio government, the conservative policy agenda is often the only game in town. Innovation Ohio aims to change that by bringing a progressive perspective and progressive policy alternatives into the public debate. We are not, however, a partisan organization. Our staff, Board, and associates will be comprised of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents who are united in the belief that we cannot move Ohio ahead if we leave some of our people behind.
“We believe in creating sustainable economic growth, in equal opportunity for all Ohioans, and that the benefits of a resurgent economy should not be restricted to those at the top, but enjoyed by those on every rung of the income ladder.
“We believe in bringing the private and public sectors together, in replacing short-term thinking with long-term planning, and that innovative, practical problem-solving is more productive than partisan bickering and ideological shouting matches. Above all, we believe that only by protecting and expanding the middle class will Ohio be able to build a future that is worthy of her past.”
A mission statement can be found here and answers to Frequently-Asked Questions can be found here.-30-