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Innovation Ohio · March 23, 2021

Biden’s Visit — Statement from Desiree Tims

With President Biden visiting Columbus later today, we wanted to share a few thoughts about the groundbreaking American Rescue Package.

The American Rescue Package will help us build back better. Money in your pocket and a shot in your arm – it’s that simple. The American Rescue Package is the first step towards rebuilding after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ARP will help keep food on the table and keep struggling families out of poverty. Most Ohioans will receive $1,400 under the rescue plan, plus additional funds for children. This is exactly what Ohio families need. Some estimates show that the ARP will cut child poverty in Ohio in half.

The American rescue package will provide massive support for our local communities. The ARP will give local governments in Ohio $4.6 billion to help pay for first responders, public health professionals, and vital city services. It will also provide $5.5 billion to the state of Ohio.

The ARP will keep health costs down and help reopen schools. The American Rescue Plan’s investments in healthcare and schools will help Ohio families afford quality healthcare and safely get our kids back to school – in person.

President Biden’s visit shows how important Ohio still is politically. With all the important elections in 2022, including the gubernatorial and U.S. Senate races, it’s no surprise that President Biden would come to Ohio this early. It’s another reminder that Ohio isn’t a red state, it’s a rigged state. Over the next two years, we have an incredible opportunity to rebuild progressive power in Ohio!

I hope you’ll help spread the word!

In solidarity,

Desiree Tims
Innovation Ohio CEO

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