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· November 18, 2011

October Job Numbers Show Little Change

The Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services released Ohio’s unemployment numbers for October. Unemployment decreased from 9.1% to 9.0%, putting Ohio in line with the national average. Since the passage of Governor Kasich’s Budget, Ohio has seen rates that are above or even with the national unemployment rate.  This trend continues for October. While the number of unemployed workers in Ohio decreased slightly, and the population of working age Ohioans increased slightly, there was no increase in the number of employed Ohioans.  This could mean that workers are simply leaving the workforce and are no longer seeking employment. Additionally Ohio’s non-agriculture wage and salary employment decreased by 600. The most significant losses occurred in government, with a loss of 4000 jobs and professional and business services with a loss of 3800 jobs.  Financial activities also experienced a loss of 800 jobs.  Increases were seen in manufacturing, with a gain of 1100 jobs, and trade, transportation and utilities, with an increase in 2700 jobs.

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