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Colleen Craig · March 4, 2020

5 Things Everyone Should Know About the 2020 Census

What’s crucial to fair representation, fair distribution of federal financial resources, and happens every 10 years? The US Census!

Here’s what you need to know. 

1. Having an accurate count of every individual in Ohio ensures that the state receives its fair share of benefits and a strong voice in democracy.

And the great news is that this year, the Census will be easier than ever to fill out. Everyone will be able to either respond online, request a paper copy, or fill it out over the phone. 

2. The Census is used to redraw congressional and state legislative districts.

Since 1790, the Constitution has mandated that a complete count of the US population be taken every ten years to account for population shifts. This helps to reproportion representation to give every individual a voice in our nation’s power structure. 

3. By law, no information collected in the Census can be used against you.

Regardless of legal status, race, gender, sexual identity, etc., your response will not impact any benefits you may receive, nor will it be shared or published in a manner that could identify you or your household in any way.

4. The distribution of $675 billion rests upon complete participation in the 2020 Census.

This money is allocated to financial aid programs such as SNAP and Medicaid, as well as towards schools, hospitals, and roads in YOUR community. See how over $33 billion of federal money is distributed in a single year!

5. Lastly, participation in the Census is mandatory for every single individual, and for good reason.

The data from the Census is used all around you, from businesses using it to determine where to build factories and create jobs, to local governments using the information for public safety and to best prepare for emergencies. 

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