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· June 26, 2013

Stand with Women in Ohio

Ohio’s budget must be passed and signed by June 30th. The House and the Senate will vote to pass the conference report on Thursday and then the bill will head straight towards Governor Kasich’s desk where he’ll have the opportunity to veto provisions in the budget. So, what can you do? You can call Governor Kasich’s office at 614-466-3555 and let him know what you think. You can Stand with Women in Ohio, tomorrow, June 26th at 10:00am on the West Lawn of the Ohio Statehouse. As a reminder the provisions in the Ohio Budget that impact women are:
  • Defunding Planned Parenthood
  • Preventing funds from going to rape crisis centers that refer women to facilities or medical care providers who also provide abortions.
  • Prevent genetic counseling services funded by the Ohio Department of Health from referring to entities that provide abortions except for cases of medical emergency.
  • Prohibit abortion clinics from having transfer agreements with public hospitals or with doctors affliated with public hospitals.
  • Requires a physician to detect a fetal heartbeat via external exams,  inform women in writing of the presence of a fetal heartbeat and inform her of the statistical likelihood that her fetus could be carried to term.

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