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Stephen Dyer · July 16, 2013

Kasich endorses school levy his budget made more expensive

We noticed that John Kasich has come out in support of the new Columbus school levy. What we find amazing is that the Dispatch failed to mention that because of Kasich and the budget he just signed into law, that levy will now cost the owner of a $100,000 home another $315 per year from the 9.01 mill levy. Prior to Kasich’s budget and the elimination of the state property tax rollback, the cost of the levy would have been $275.

levy cost Early in his term, Mr. Kasich was fond of telling voters to reject new levies. Senate President Keith Faber recently suggested it should be harder to pass levies.

But, to be fair, perhaps Mr. Faber hopes to slow down the rapid growth of Ohio’s school levies since Kasich took office. The total amount of new operating money that has appeared on the ballot recently reached a record $1.37 billion and counting. Since the budget still leaves 3 out of 4 districts with less revenue than they received three years ago, more levies are almost certain to follow. Politically speaking, it’s therefore understandable that GOP leadership would be seek to slow them down a bit.

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