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Stephen Dyer · July 1, 2013

Final analysis of four-year change in school funding, by district

When Governor Kasich introduced his first two-year budget, Innovation Ohio released district-by-district data on the true impacts of the plan. This provided a full accounting of funding reduction that districts would experience as a result of the choice not to replace federal stimulus dollars and to phase out payments to districts made since local tax revenues were eliminated. Now, with the adoption of the budget for fiscal years 2014 and 2015, we reprise our analysis, looking at the combined 4-year impact of state funding changes on districts. Even with additional funds flowing to schools in this budget, it does not make up for the cuts in the last. As a result, school districts will have $515 million less than they did prior to the Governor’s two budgets. Download the spreadsheet (zoom in with your PDF reader to view):
  • Consolidated four-year school funding spreadsheet. The last column shows, for each school district, the difference in funding that will be received in state fiscal years 2014 and 2015 compared to the four years earlier (FYs 2010 and 2011). A negative number reflects a reduction in funding; positive numbers indicate an increase compared to four years ago.

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