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· October 24, 2011

Three more newspapers endorse “No on Issue 3”

Over the weekend, the all-too-overlooked Issue 3 suffered three more resounding rejections from Ohio newspapers. Weighing in with editorials denouncing the amendment were the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Canton Repository and Athens Messenger. The Plain Dealer editorial, “No on Issue 3,” echoes many of the warnings Innovation Ohio originally made in our report, “Bad Medicine“:
“Issue 3 is not about affirming some abstract commitment to health care choices. It is, in fact, a pernicious attempt to constrict public health care options in Ohio with broad language that could even bar schools from requiring immunizations for new diseases and impede state regulation of health insurers. … This ill-conceived amendment to Ohio’s Constitution won’t do what it promises and it might do much harm. Voters need to reject Issue 3.”
The Canton Repository added in its editorial, “Let’s not go down this road again”:
“No matter what you think of the federal health care law, Issue 3 is a bad idea. Ohioans have already been down the road of unintended consequences. We shouldn’t want to go there again.”
Finally, the Athens Messenger makes the key point that Issue 3 misses its intended target:
“But the question of whether the individual mandate — or the entire health care overhaul — will stand is a question for the courts, specifically the U.S. Supreme Court, and that is why we do not support Issue 3.”
This brings to six the number of endorsements for the “No” side, as the Columbus Dispatch, Toledo Blade and Akron Beacon-Journal editorial boards have already come out in favor of a No vote. Visit our Issue 3 Resource Center.

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