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· January 17, 2012

State school cuts having an impact in Garfield Heights

Thanks to a state funding cut of $1.7 million in the FY2012-2013 budget, the Garfield Heights school district is today implementing some fairly drastic cuts to its education program. From WKYC-TV:
Starting January 17, 2012 school hours will be cut back to 5.5 hours. Programs like art, education, music and gym will be eliminated in elementary schools. These same programs will be greatly reduced for middle school students. High school students will see a reduction in second semester courses offered. School lunches will also be impacted for K-8 students. Those who qualify for a free lunch will be given a brown bagged lunch once classes are dismissed. Those who wish to buy a lunch can purchase a bagged lunch.
Our education fellow, Stephen Dyer, has more thoughts on the impact of these types of cuts to student success on his blog. Unfortunately, as is clear from our map of state budget cuts, the cut to Garfield Heights schools represent only a fraction of the overall $229 million cut to Cuyahoga County schools and local governments that were contained in the state’s two-year budget.

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