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Terra Goodnight · September 12, 2012

Ohio auto industry adds nearly 16,000 new jobs since rescue

Earlier this year, we released a report that showed Ohio’s automotive industry is on the rebound, adding nearly 12,500 jobs in Ohio between June, 2009 and September, 2011. The editors at the Columbus Dispatch must not have gotten their copy. In an attempt to discredit the President’s efforts to save U.S. automakers, on Sunday, they ran an editorial claiming only 700 jobs have been created in Ohio;s auto sector. But that number was selectively chosen to look at only a nine-month period beginning when Governor Kasich took office, well after the industry’s recovery had begun. We decided to revisit our analysis, using an additional three months of employment data that has become available since our report was published and found the industry continuing to add Ohio jobs. From June, 2009 — when the industry hit its employment low in Ohio — to the end of 2011, nearly 16,000 new jobs were created.

BLS releases new data at the end of the month, and we will put out new numbers as they become available.

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